

  • Competition Law
  • Copyright Law
  • Data Protection Law
  • IP
  • IT Law
  • Licensing Contract Law
  • Trademark Law


Steffen Weinberg studied law at the University of Cologne, specialising in intellectual property and competition. After his first state examination, he worked as a research assistant in intellectual property law at an international commercial law firm in Cologne and completed a master’s degree in commercial law (LL.M.).

He spent his legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Cologne with stations, inter alia, at the Federal Cartel Office in Bonn, at CBH’s Cologne office in the field of intellectual property law and at a Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante.

Since his admission to the bar in 2023, he has been working as a lawyer at CBH. He specialises in providing extrajudicial and judicial advice to national and international companies in the areas of IP & IT. In this context, he deals with the protection and enforcement of intellectual property in official and court proceedings. Furthermore, he accompanies clients in IT projects of all kinds and advises on all issues relating to information technology law and data protection.


  • EuGH „Beverage City & Lifestyle GmbH u.a. ./. Advance Magazine Publishers“ (C-832/21) – EU-Streitgenossenschaft bei Verletzung einer Unionsmarke, in: IP kompakt, Heft 03/2024, S. 60-62
  • EuGH „Mylan AB vs. Gilead u.a.“ (C-473/22) – Vereinbarkeit einer verschuldensunabhängigen Haftungsregelung mit Art. 9 Abs. 7 der Enforcement-Richtlinie, in: IP kompakt, Heft 02/2024, S. 39-42
  • BVerfG „Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen einstweilige Verfügung“ (1 BvR 1728/23) – Waffengleichheit und rechtliches Gehör, in: IP kompakt, Heft 01/2024, S. 13-15
  • BPatG „ELAN“ (26W (pat) 28/20) – Rechtserhaltende Benutzung, in: IP kompakt, Heft 01/2024, S. 8-10
  • BGH „Microstock-Portal“ (I ZR 179/22) – Verzicht auf das Urheberbenennungsrecht, in: IP kompakt, Heft 12/2023, S. 223-225
  • LG Köln „Fahrrad als Werk der angewandten Kunst“ (14 O 49/22) – Urheberrechtliche Schutzfähigkeit, in: IP kompakt, Heft 11/2023, S. 202-205
  • EuG „EMBANK European Merchant Bank vs. mBank“ (T-261/22) – Hohe Aufmerksamkeit des Verkehrs bei Finanzdienstleistungen, in: IP kompakt, Heft 10/2023, S. 185-186
  • BPatG „Helikoide Käseform“ (30 W (pat) 38/20) – Absolute Schutzhindernisse einer 3D-Marke, in: IP kompakt, Heft 09/2023, S. 168-170