- Concessions
- Investor Selection Process
- Public Funding Law
- Public Procurement Law
- State Aid Law
Professor Dr Stefan Hertwig specialises in the field of public commercial law, with particular emphasis on public procurement law and European state aid law. According to the trade magazine JUVE, he is one of the “leading names in public procurement law”. Who is Who Legal certifies him “an incredibly strong name in the German market, noted for his expertise in public funding and government contracts”.The practice group under his leadership advises the public sector and public enterprises in the context of restructurings, privatisations and in complex award procedures for the award of contracts or concessions, most recently, for example, the federal task force in the tendering of contracts for the supply of vaccines in the event of a pandemic. In addition, Professor Dr. Hertwig is also active in forensic proceedings and represents public contracting authorities and bidders in review proceedings. Prominent proceedings include, for example, the representation of the company Heckler & Koch in several review proceedings concerning the procurement of a new assault rifle by the German Federal Armed Forces or the representation of the bidding consortium A 3 Nordbayern in the context of a public-private partnership for the 6-lane expansion of the A 3 motorway over a distance of 66 km. Finally, the practice group’s clients include grant providers and grant recipients, whether in the context of development projects between industry and research institutions or in connection with the review and reclaiming of subsidies.Professor Dr Stefan Hertwig is a specialist lawyer for public procurement law, for administrative law as well as for construction and architectural law and an honorary professor at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. In this context, he is also chairman of the preliminary examination committee of the Cologne Bar Association for the award of the specialist lawyer title “Public Procurement Law”. He studied law in Munich, Geneva and Paris. After obtaining his doctorate and holding positions in the Federal Ministry of Finance and as a judge at the Regional Court, he was initially admitted to the bar in Cologne. Today, he heads the Berlin office of our firm. Prof. Dr. Hertwig speaks German, English and French.
- Die Zulassung von Online-Casinospielen gemäß § 22c GlüStV 2021, Zeitschrift für Wett- und Glücksspielrecht – ZfWG (erscheint demnächst)
- Hertwig/Ritter/Merz/Fischbach, Rechtsgrundlagen für mehr Transparenz auf dem deutschen Immobilienmarkt, Rechtsgutachten im Auftrag des BBSR, 30. September 2021 (Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung)
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- Praxis der öffentlichen Auftragsvergabe, 6. Aufl. 2017, Verlag C.H. Beck, München
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- Die wahren Gründe für die Kostenexplosion von Großprojekten, FAZ 13.03.2013, 19
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- 01.06.2022 | Forum-Institut für Management, „Immobiliengeschäfte und Vergaberecht“ (zusammen mit Rechtsanwalt Dr. Jan Deuster)
- 19.05.2022 | Forum Vergabe, „Die unterschätzte Bekanntmachung“
- 15.03.2022 | Universität Hohenheim, 19. Symposium Glücksspiel am 15. und 16. März 2022: „Konzessionen für Online-Casinos: eine Übersicht“
- 18.11.2021 | Forum-Institut für Management GmbH, 16. Jahresfachtagung „Sportwetten & Glücksspiel“ 2021, „§ 22c GlüStV – wie können die Länder Kasino-Konzessionen erteilen?“
- 23.09.2021 | Subreport, 9. Kölner Vergabetage, „Das Lieferkettengesetz – Neue Herausforderungen für Unternehmen und Kommunen“
- 10.06.2021 | Forum Vergabe: „Verhandlungsverfahren mit und ohne Teilnahmewettbewerb“